Celebrating 50 Years of Art and Service
Looking forward:
Get ready for the anniversary Quilt Show in September 2025!
The Show committee is moving forward with all the intricate plans, decisions and tasks involved in putting on a thrilling show. Finish your quilts, and await notice of how you can support the venture. We’ll keep you posted on the Quilt Show page, as well as by email and with regular updates at meetings.
Anniversary Dinner - Sept 21, 2024
Held at the Brooktondale Fire Hall, catered by Serendipity, festively decorated by Cheryl Moore and family, enjoyed by 75 members and guests. A video photo loop on display featured photos that Barb Dimock pulled together from her Guild history presentations.
Show-and-tell included "50 Quilts for 50 Babies,” which were festooned about the premises, and three quilts, by Sandy Rouleau, Munna Rubaii and Peggy Dunlop, built on a “50” challenge theme. The Guild presented Barb D with a charming and whimsical “hat” quilt in recognition of all the hats that she has worn over her 50 years as a founder-member.
50 Quilts for 50 Babies
As part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations we gathered 50 Quilts for 50 Babies, to be shared with families in our community via the Tompkins Whole Health "Healthy Infants Partnership" program.
All 50 together were displayed at our anniversary celebration on September 21.
From the collection —
Five Decades of History
May through September, at our second monthly meetings, Barbara Dimock, Guild archivist since 2005, treated us to a walk through history, one decade at a time. Here are some highlights from these fascinating, informative and colorful slide shows.
Tina Simmons with her 1984 4-H award winner
Cyndi Slothower with her 1991 Spring Block exchange using Fish fabric
Judy’s Day, 2004
1974 - 1983
Tompkins County Bicentennial Quilt, 1976, now part of the History Center Collection
From the first “Round Robin” exchange, 1994
ABC work night, 2009
Sampler Quilt, 1980, raffled at the 1981 show and won by Joyce Morgenroth
From the small quilt challenge “Fiber of My Existence,” 2018
Houses in Miniature by Ruth Him, “Less Than Bed Size” viewers’ choice award winner at the 1983 Quilt Show.
Show Chair gifts, 2003
Gwen Marston workshop, 2014
Iron Quilter - June 29, 2024
The Iron Quilter competition took place in the Community Quiltmaking Center at the ReUse MegaCenter. Quilt makers, quilt appreciators, and interested community members enjoyed watching as eight quilt tops took shape.
The eight contestants, who competed for prizes in a variety of categories, are members of the TCQG: Andrea Gibbs, Quinn Olsen-Bieber, Julia Olsen-Bieber, Anne Garretson, Barbara Jastran, Therese O'Connor, Sherry Haefele, and Munna Rubaii. With expert local quilters serving as judges, the contestants had four hours to complete a quilt top of any size. Each got a piece of fabric (same print for all competitors) to be used in the quilt top, and chose additional fabric from the Community Quiltmaking Center during the event. Surprise challenges added another twist to the basic rules.
The quilts created in the Iron Quilter will be finished for auction at the Tompkins County Quilters Guild’s upcoming quilt show in 2025 to benefit TCQG and the Community Quiltmaking Center.
And the winner is—
Andrea Gibbs
Best in Show
Sherry Haefele
Best Use of Color
Barbara Jastran
Best Use of Challenge Fabric
Quinn Olsen-Bieber
Most Surprising
Ithaca Festival - “Let the Sun Shine On” - May 30, 2024
Eleven of us marched for the Guild, with our 16” quilt blocks reflecting the Sunshine theme. Great lighthearted fun, with enthusiastic applause from the crowds.
The Sunshine blocks were made into a lap quilt by Nora Burrows and won in a raffle of participants by Carol Halseth.
Ithaca Festival March from start…
…to finish
February 1- 27
March 1 - 27, 2024
50th Anniversary Quilt Showcase
More than 40 small quilts and wall hangings by members of the Guild were displayed at the Community School of Music and Arts in two beautiful shows, each a month long.
Ann Williamson’s quilt “Shine On” in the TCQG 50th Anniversary Showcase quilt show