Community Service
The Tompkins County Quilters Guild has a long history of community service. Making quilts, fundraising, and community outreach are a fundamental part of the guild's mission. The guild makes and donates quilts and other articles made from fabric to numerous organizations.
ABC Quilts
Every year we make and send hundreds of quilts for At-risk Babies and Children to the local foster care program, the Economic Opportunity Program of Schuyler County, the teen pregnancy/parenting program and others. A new focus is on little quilts for premature infants. We also make lap quilts for seniors in area retirement and long-term-care communities.
Each February our program meeting is the popular Service Project Sweat Shop where we make as many ABC quilts as possible in a few short hours.
Bags for Cancer Patients
We make reversible bags for the Cancer Resource Center that are given to people undergoing treatment. They use the bags to carry with them when they go for treatment.
Seat Belt Pillows
We have made and donated hundreds of seat belt pillows to the Cancer Resource Center. These little pads are used to protect the sensitive chest area with a port so that people can ride in cars comfortably. It’s a little thing that can make a big difference.
ALS Quilts
After a member’s daughter died of ALS, she made lots of quilts to donate to the Hopes and Dreams Quilt Challenge for ALS. Many more members have contributed since, making comforting quilts that people can have on their laps when they are in a wheelchair.
Preemie Quilts
Small, soft quilts are made for the littlest ones. We donate them to several hospitals in the area that specialize in caring for premature infants.
Quilts of Valor
We participate in a nationwide project making patriotic quilts for service members and veterans touched by war. We gather for a work party to make blocks that will be assembled into comforting and healing quilts.