Retreats and More

  • Retreats

    Besides our semi-annual 3-4 day retreats at Camp Lamoka, we hold weekend retreats at local fire halls and community centers and virtual retreats at frequent intervals. Visit different locations or sign into Zoom and sew all day in your own home, sharing what you are working on and getting advice.

  • Workshops

    We offer several workshops a year, allowing participants to explore new skills and techniques. For example, Carolina Oneto presented her VIRTUAL WORKSHOP "Curves and Transparencies" teaching how to cut and sew complicated curves, using color and value to create transparency effects.

    Workshops are announced when scheduled.

  • Community Service

    We make hundreds of quilts and other sewn items every year for donation to many local organizations. We have work nights at some of our meetings to make quilts.

  • Collaboration with the History Center

    For many years we have had a collaboration with the History Center in Tompkins County on its collection of historic quilts.

  • Raffle Quilt

    The members of the guild design and produce a quilt for which we sell raffle tickets. The drawing for the winner is held at our quilt show. The latest raffle quilt was finished in the spring of 2022 for our Show, October 2022.

  • Quilt Show

    Our next Show will be September 20 & 21, 2025. Keep your eye out for coming information about submitting your quilts.

  • New List Item

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