Virtual Retreat Dates:

January 31-Feb. 1 2025 Time: 10-5:30pm February 28 -March 1 March 28-29 April 25-26 May 30-31 June 27-28 July 25-26

Zoom link, announced a few days in advance via email.

Contact person:
Bronwyn Mohlke

Newfield Fire Station 77 Main Street Newfield, NY 14867

May 3-4 June 7-8

Time: 9-6 pm
Contact person: Fran Welch

Enfield Community Center 162 Enfield Main Rd Enfield, NY 14850

January 25-26 February 8-9

Time: 9-5 pm
Contact person: Barbara Jastran

For the community center/firehouse retreats, bring your sewing machine, tools, extension cords, lights, projects & spirit of sewing. The buildings are locked at night so we can leave our sewing projects in place if planning to return the next day. There are refrigerators and microwaves available to store food items or heat things up.

Most retreats are free of charge to guild members. Non-members are welcome to attend once guild members have had the opportunity to sign up. Non-member fee is $10. Members & non-members should contact the guild member listed at the location you wish to attend so they can keep track of numbers of participants. There are some space constraints.


Thursday, November 7 starting at 9:00 am- Sunday, November 10, 2024 ending at 1:00. Our first Lamoka Quilt Retreat!

*Sandy Rouleau will be taking over the overnight retreats from Kathy Carmen.  Lamoka is a Baptist camp located on Lamoka Lake, 3646 Lamoka Lake Road, Bradford, NY 14815, approximately 1 hour from downtown Ithaca.

Quilting will take place in the large dining hall with windows looking over the lake. 

We will be provided with lunch/dinner on Thursday, all three meals on Friday and Saturday and breakfast/lunch on Sunday. Please let Sandy rouleau know as soon as possible if you have special dietary needs, this information will need to be communicated to the staff at Lamoka by October 5th. 

Sleeping accommodations will be in what are called “Jack and Jill” cabins, 4 to 5 beds in a room on each side of the building with a bathroom connecting them.  From other quilters that have attended in the past, “The cabins are warm, so just bring sheets, blanket and pillow, you may want a topper for the mattress for more comfort.”

Cost: $200 for people attending from Thursday – Sunday

          $175 for people attending Friday – Sunday

          $150 for people attending Saturday-Sunday

Either send a check to Sandy Rouleau @ 794 Trumbulls Corners Road, Newfield NY 14867 or give her one at a meeting.  All “registrations” at the retreat will be accepted until October 5th.

Curious to know more about Lamoka Baptist Camp, check out the facility at this link: